Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31, 2010 Exodus 12:14-13:16, Matthew 20:29-21:22, Psalm 25:16-22, Proverbs 6:12-15

Dear Lord, may the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in your site for you are our Rock and our Redeemer.

Response to Exodus 12:14-13:16. 

One of the problems many people in our world have with religion is that there are too many rules and not enough love.  Sharia law is considered by many to be oppressive for this very reason, but Christianity often gets bogged down by rules and judgementalism also.  Therefore, as I respond to this reading, I am purposefully looking for loving reasons to the rules as the Old Testament is too well known for it's wrath.  Did you know that the word "love" is never listed in the Quran? However, it is the theme of the Bible.  Love, Forgiveness, Grace.  Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all claim these readings we share today and I welcome every and all comments; From those who believe, from those who want to believe, and from those who choose not to.  My one requirement is that you keep your comments clean from profanity and judgement of your fellow man.  This Word of God is meant to change each of us from the inside out first of all - not to personally "lord" it over our fellowman - especially if they are not part of the body. 

This is all said as we deal with these laws as the children of God (Israel in this first covenant) prepare to leave a world of slavery (Egypt) to proceed to enter a wilderness of confusion and despair and eventually reach the promised land.  Removing the yeast from their presence is a major theme, don't you think? Perhaps this is just because the yeast will just increase their burden and it was important to pack lightly. I am anxious to hear your thoughts on what these laws represent.

I would like to venture the idea that removing the yeast for a season in our own lives is remembering that day we first experienced conversion.  That day meant something different for each of us, but in general as born again Christians, this meant that we realized we were sinners and that Jesus Christ had died on the Cross to redeem us from our sins.  However, now as we travel through the wilderness, we are continuously met with confusion and despair.  It is so easy to get bogged down by the rules, theologies, and apparent empty promises from a God who supposedly loves us.  Perhaps then, it is good to return to our first love and remember that love of God we first recognized at our first conversion. Remember the day we realized we had been redeemed by the blood of the lamb. Remember, we are part of this group called "The Children of God" and remember that in spite of the hardships and struggles of life, we are on the way to the promised land! And that is all that matters. Perhaps it's good to set apart a season to rededicate our lives to Him for His gift to us all over again.

Response to Matthew 20:29-21:22

This passage tells the story of Jesus leaving Jericho and going to Jerusalem, often known today as Palm Sunday in Christian circles. Two blind men asked for and received their site. Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and there is a reference to Zechariah 9:9. The people shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" with reference to Psalm 118:26. He is called a prophet from Nazareth in Galilee. He overturns the tables of the money changers. The sick and the lame turn to Him for healing. Jesus quotes Isaiah 56:7 "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise." and He dries up the fig tree with a curse and chalenges our faith and the strength of our belief.

There is a lot of material for discussion here, and I do not wish to fill up the space with only my own thoughts as I too am blind in many ways.  I need you to help me to open my eyes to understand how Jesus is revealing himself to you in this passage so that together, we may continue to find the way.

I do believe that as Jesus rode into the city of God as the Prince of Peace, he was riding a donkey - not the majestic steed of a warrior declaring victory over all his enemies.  In fact, the people did not recognize him and most still do not today.  Even today, many Christians, who claim to know this Prince of Peace imagine Him to come again in majesty and great glory to destroy the infidels on the earth.  Without getting bogged down in theology here, let me just say there are other opinions about this and it is ok to interpret the Bible in a much more loving way.  I imagine Jesus would be more than happy to accept you into His loving arms today to the Glory of God, our Father.

That brings me to the fig tree that Jesus cursed that day because it had no fruit.  This reference reminds me of a story he told regarding any branch of the vine that does not bear fruit will be cut off and thrown into the fire. For many, this would be a reference to Hell.  If so, may I suggest that if we are not producing fruit in our lives, we are as guilty as any man and in danger of Hell? Thus, just another reminder that we are all bozo's on the bus here. We must reach out to our fellowman with the Love of God so that others will desire to know Him more and realize that they too are worthy of the redemption provided by God through Jesus Christ. This Story we are reading is all about Love. At least, that's the way I see it, what do you think?

Response to Psalm 25:16-22

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 6.  However, I knew of Him before that day - in fact, I don't remember a day I was not aware of something greater than myself.  I believe this is true of all of you also - was there ever a time - especially when you were a child - that you were not in awe of Creation and something greater than yourself or your big parents?

Yet, even after I accepted Jesus, my life was still plagued with sin. I made wrong choices and heaped addictions, justifications, obsessions, and feelings of hatred or pride into my life. As I grow in strength with Christ, I continue to undue a lot of the worldly influences that had caused me pain when I originally had thought them meaningless and even enjoyable.  So much of my own sin left me feeling lonely and afflicted as David mentions in verse 16.  The troubles of my heart multiplied and caused me anguish.  Although David often speaks of his enemies of flesh and blood, The New Testament tells us our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and demons. We are called to worship in Spirit and in Truth. This shall remain beyond our scope of understanding, but the prayer David prays remains ours today. Guard my life and rescue me. May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you. 

This Word we are studying recommends a lot of rules that are worth following as they improve our lives. They were given in Love and for our well-being which we will see over and over.

Proverbs 6:12-15

This passage made me think of a Baseball player or coach; "winks with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers" It also made me think of the Preacher's kid in "To Save a Life." If we are plotting evil and devising dissension in our hearts, disaster lies in our path. What does that look like for you? Any experiences to share?

Time to go to church.  Until Tomorrow, thanks for reading and responding.

1 comment:

  1. I posted some thoughts on yeast on my facebook site in summary of what I wrote here. My good friend responded with the following:

    "Yes, in the Jewish culture, the Spring feast "Days of Unleavened Bread" symbolize getting rid of the "puffiness" or leaven of sin (one of the many visual images the Bible uses for sin). The observant Jews, and many others, clean all the leavening out of their homes in an effort to "get rid of the sin". Getting rid of leaven, however, is ... See More impossible since yeast spores are in the air... so, again the symbolism that no matter how hard we try, we are sinners and in need of a Savior. The physical action taken each year to rid the house of leaven teaches that even though you look everwhere and dig deep; there's always a "cracker crumb" or hamburger bun hiding in a crack or crevace or in the couch. The Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread can be found in the Torah in several places, and also in the new Testament, since Jesus, Yeshua kept the days as well as his disciples. Makes a good study..."
