The following poem is an attempt to present a modern rendition of Gilgamesh - as it relates to Sociology, Anthropology, Theology, Psychology, throughout many generations up through the modern day. I have also attempted to present the poem here in Poetic Edda style.
May 31, 2013
Two thirds we're essence of God - caught in the flesh of a man
Epics of shepherds and sheepfolds - which ore our time space span
Now dazed the sheep hear his voice - this Kingdom his peak has no rival
Thus the earth has grown tense - concerned for its very survival
Bewildered by wilderness heather - High Father offered Son sage
Win your beloved through gnosis - open the leaves of your age
4. Thus divining the hidden - a harlot controlling events
Hypocrisy lured the youth - with wisdom's ecstatic incense
Changing a name giving honor - sinner now learned to speak
Domesticating the human - A Sham Kat serpent staff tweak
From birth till the season of man - the arch of the sun grows high
Approaching the call of our life - the heat of our summer draws nigh
The axe of Zayin had fallen - the rib of Adam God gave
Sibyl woman given a hunter - a sky bolt from Anu to save
Poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 2, 2013
This nurture of Mother all things - a paring of cells right and left
A righteous man bearing a sword - a word in our head board cleft
Wolves with the roars of the lions - wedding the shepherds of sheep
These rear the chosen in pews - such vengeance with-in-laws creep
Like Samson the honey of lions - Enkidu a Pole-Ish judge
Sheepfold protector of fortress - sectarian haven of sludge
Fill ceremonial table - impregnate the destined house wife
Foaming God's cup for a nation - later the husband serf's strife
A spiritual wrath of confusion - a politic this verses that
Baptismal fire flood version - adversarial intelligent cat
Judah - blood spattered doorpost
and frame
God's wrath a confusion ofBabel - men's Eros like corn fed grain
Passover's Queen of the veil - bridegroom of earth's unloved vein
"Wild Wild - Wild"
Gilgamesh V
By Rick Sjaardema
June 7, 2013
Shaded in nests of these Asherahs - happiness winged this forest
Overgrown, virtuously darkened - blackened by names sun's rays blessed
Like mirages, your days are like women - their breast milk dries with old age
Yet here you are with Thor's hammer - the garment of decipherers' rage
Now... behold me my children - these birds and these lions I've named
Yet ego had welled up within them - If you be our God then be shamed
massacred Canaan - their knowledge of evil
borne fruits
These wolfhounds, the cry of the hunter - carried the faith of the nation
Worshipping stone of memorial - Children to Molech their ration
After the rockets red glare - the Lewis and Clarke Expedition
Gold rush and Otter's revenge - the Gods had completed their mission
Creation now floated down river - the righteous, they washed their hair
Mordecai rode Easter's Chariot - Gilgamesh ascended the stair
Poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 9, 2013
The Merkabah of heaven now yours - Humanity hangs in the gallows
I shall betroth you this day - enemies pillaged like fallows
'Esther... pride of the herdsmen - who holocaust lambs every day
Yet, dogma's tear at their haunches - now get thee behind me away
Blood mixed with saints in your dungeon - Spiritual dragon like frogs'
Ishtar, now filled with resentment - promised to raise up the gogs
Death now immortalized living - baptismal promise ofJordan
Valiant's hall of the martyrs - the sacred show bread unleaven
Arranged, this meat on this altar - ravenous vultures o'er flew
Ishtar, her harlot's mirages - Abra-Am's relegionist's stew
Kingdom made merry with goblets - this man more radiant than wife
Then lay they them down to dream - the heavens were planning their strife
At Death's Doorway
Gilgamesh VII (Contemporary rewrite)
A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 10, 2013
They'd slain Huyawa who guarded trees - they'd slain the bull of the sky
Sun and wind established their course - yet now Gil's seer must die
Lebanon 's floor
Gil had listened to his friend - his lips had buzzed like flies
A legacy left for the grieving - a friend who had once been wise
garden of Jinn
The idol Gilgamesh had made - did not ease Enkidu's scorn
Righteousness left the priest empty - wishing he'd never been borne
I gave you your wine to drink - in robes magnificently clothed
Men shall remember you fondly - for things in this life you've loathed
Listen my friend, I had a dream - between earth and heaven I stood
I've met the Lion and the Eagle - where gods collect crowns for good
My friend, my strength is near gone - into death's forest you'll leave
Within this life you've led me - your spiritual memory I'll cleave
A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 11, 2013
Your mother a graceful gazelle - your Father a prized mustang
Heaven and earth now shall weep - as they hear how your death toll rang
Our friend was the hunted mule - as lions we scaled rugged hills
Demolished enchantment's keeper - Now held by Masonic skills
Our sheepfolds this memory shall follow - tithes, we bestow thee our ware
Together we establish a ceremony - as a sign we shall shear our hair
Granted to underworld's guardians - this coven's ark made for Ishtar
Mankind's quick sands now begotten - as forests of tombstones prone are
In land's of Milky Way's honey - breakfast had now been prepared
For kings, their Knights of sound fables - Angelic tables now shared
The living now caught up in chains - like this our old king Gilgamesh
Memorializing dead who've passed on - become like a Hebrew fetish
A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 18, 2013
Now out roaming the wilderness - he reached mountain passes at night
Through prayer he'd carved names for gods - to reduce their lion like fright
nippling sun swept hills - wet nursing a scorpion core
Seraph's baptismal fire by day - flashing nights' children at war
Good and evil enter to play - eternal life now seemed doomed
Cherubim still guard heaven's garden - divisions of man thus assumed
To fortress of firewalls scaled - angel now egged Gilgamesh on
Chase after the path of Shamash - from dusk till early morn's dawn
Mastema's tenth raiment now tithed - dawn's shadows fled from Shamash
Thorn bush, fruit tree of knowledge - pearly gates seen through ray's flash
Turkish delight with the devil - raiment of truth thus assails me
Visiting Siduri the alewife - who bartends the shores of this sea
Gilgamesh (X)
"Bread of Heaven"
A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 21, 2013
Grief now brought a gale lion skinned - Siduri now bolted her door
Winds now storm tossed the sea waves - threatening to strip her barred shore
Shamash alone had crossed this sea - toAmerica , lost
to the winds
Find the boat's man of the flood - now sail towards Atlantis' sins
Now cut logs with sure shine Abbey - As you seek for eternal life
Desire to eat, drink, be merry - withinArk cause covenant strife
Now, build your ark from the forest - to sail o'er your fellowman
Ascend the steps of your altar - your grief of Seth's drama your fan
My Priest was the mustang's prize stud - a lion of great mountain pass
My friend, whom I cleaved into death - now formed into clay is his mass
- then be a caretaker of sod
Death is the fate of all mankind - though they be flesh of the heavens
Dragons fly over the rivers - Bakers may now add their leavens
June 22, 2013
Sheepfold by riverEuphrates
- their father with counselor El
Rejected to search out the living - such natives in worship to fell
Thus morning, clouded by darkness - by evening's heaviness of wheat
A storm cloud rose from our valley - (Nin)urta established our feat
Her temple had spoken of evil - believers now turning to clay
For six days the tempest now raged - awaiting the next Sabbath day
Like Muhammad I set to pray - the gods like great flies buzzed my head
The warrior Ellil saw my ark - wishing to Yah I'd been dead
Gilgamesh now slept seven days -Jerusalem 's garments renewed
Memory of grief swept away - blind loss of their cognizance skewed
Consider Judas crucified - despised and rejected by men
The tongue in this earth steals the thorn - as humans rebirth scaly skin
"Scrounging Wormy Manna"
Gilgamesh XII (Contemporary rewrite)
A Poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 23, 2013
Gil had loved the daughters of men - Enkidu prepared to retrieve
advised to not wake the waters - or heart wrenched the heavens would grieve
He chose to love those whom he loved - and he struck those whom he hated
The church like a virgin asleep - now caught like a new moon sated
Father El nor Sin had held him - Earth's reverence his Spirit did seize
Now create a hole in ozone - to release his spiritual breeze
Her children you held in your lap - in fox holes like worms in the dust
Scribes who were once open minded - now worship in fear cause they must
Now they lament Alma Mater - lest heaven remove her tent pegs
They look to the Christ of their cross - perishing through promised land dregs
I saw them, these Christs crucified - whom the tear of every age greets
We feed from leftover manna - heavens bread crumbs lining our streets
I now write as "Honorary Dean, Faculty of Comparative Religion" Bari Shah Latif International University
Ambassador of Peace and Good Will, in relation with said International University - and the Global Faith Forum.
I am also a world renown Etymologist, Linguist, and theologian in the study of Thele-phonetics reflected through the nature of letters used within scriptural Runes, Hebrew, and Greek - with some contemplation of Arabic. I am the author of the Qur'an Bible Blog on Facebook, combining the Allegorical cognition between many historical divinely inspired books - as recognized within humanity.
Gilgamesh I
By Rick Sjaardemaand
Ambassador of Peace and Good Will, in relation with said International University - and the Global Faith Forum.
I am also a world renown Etymologist, Linguist, and theologian in the study of Thele-phonetics reflected through the nature of letters used within scriptural Runes, Hebrew, and Greek - with some contemplation of Arabic. I am the author of the Qur'an Bible Blog on Facebook, combining the Allegorical cognition between many historical divinely inspired books - as recognized within humanity.
Gilgamesh I
May 31, 2013
1. A coalification Phileo - Sophia's ancient of days
The travels of GilGalilee - pooling of mind and heart swaysTwo thirds we're essence of God - caught in the flesh of a man
Epics of shepherds and sheepfolds - which ore our time space span
2. Gifted of Name and I-nanny - Tar-Torah's playpens of
A spirit who walked on his wall - like a soul peers over its
pleasureNow dazed the sheep hear his voice - this Kingdom his peak has no rival
Thus the earth has grown tense - concerned for its very survival
3. Heaven created an equal - to quest Macho's Tyrannical
Blessed with the Eros of thunder - yet becoming a primate
foreignBewildered by wilderness heather - High Father offered Son sage
Win your beloved through gnosis - open the leaves of your age
4. Thus divining the hidden - a harlot controlling events
Hypocrisy lured the youth - with wisdom's ecstatic incense
Changing a name giving honor - sinner now learned to speak
Domesticating the human - A Sham Kat serpent staff tweak
5. Now having risen in stature - God granted a vision to sew
Faith is borne with a mission - take up your crossbow and goFrom birth till the season of man - the arch of the sun grows high
Approaching the call of our life - the heat of our summer draws nigh
6. As Moses was called to Egypt
- or Jesus arch-Eros Salem
Love thee thy enemy tested - rather than curse Ham or ShemThe axe of Zayin had fallen - the rib of Adam God gave
Sibyl woman given a hunter - a sky bolt from Anu to save
"These Bloodied Thresholds"
Gilgamesh IIPoem by Rick Sjaardema
June 2, 2013
1. Adversity fallen to earth - cornerstone like a Kabah
Assembly the sole of god's mirth - filling our ravenous cawThis nurture of Mother all things - a paring of cells right and left
A righteous man bearing a sword - a word in our head board cleft
2. Sun's noon shone on Gilgames' face - wisdom aroused
wicked hordes
Come let us worship together - let us go to the houses of
lordsWolves with the roars of the lions - wedding the shepherds of sheep
These rear the chosen in pews - such vengeance with-in-laws creep
3. Weaned from the wilderness' milk - warrior's now worship
a Christ
Bread of Creation's life broken - Wine blood Gab's Thanks'
EucharistLike Samson the honey of lions - Enkidu a Pole-Ish judge
Sheepfold protector of fortress - sectarian haven of sludge
4. Open the mind of the people - prepare ye to feast on the
Armies on heaven's white horses - vultures partake of the
ramFill ceremonial table - impregnate the destined house wife
Foaming God's cup for a nation - later the husband serf's strife
5. This werewolf donned in sheep's clothing - now he entered
the city
Gilgamesh one time Gigolo - compared, appeared not as prettyA spiritual wrath of confusion - a politic this verses that
Baptismal fire flood version - adversarial intelligent cat
6. In six eras god had created - the seventh a saber toothed
A Joseph a lion of God's wrath a confusion of
Passover's Queen of the veil - bridegroom of earth's unloved vein
"The Priestly Firewall"
Gilgamesh III
Poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 5, 2013
1. As Jacob had wrestled a man - as opposites attract one
These poles of magnetic force - enjoining men brother to
Their enmity demolished the house - reflecting his families'
Warrior would go before king - Joab's prayer of Jabez borne
2. Faith that wished to move mountains - Messiah of this
rolling sea
Father A noon sun this Spirit - Humbaba this YHWH of me
Our strength had been challenged once - ego had now been
Was our God an idolatry - bleating like sheep we'd assembled
3. Who hath caused this our enmity - who hath created our
Who have we wrestled in life - concerned for our very
Asherahs of this forest grove - roots like a garden of weeds
Spirits of Gabriel's fire - flooding our purging with seeds
4. To keep the Kingdom safe - from the Seven's Spiritual
The Queen appointed the warrior - his friendship with Gilgal
Do not fear death through oblation - Service the Kingdom at
Craftsmen created their weapons - to forge through the
dragon's land
5. Show us the creature of heaven - who's name echoes age to
The elders within the kingdom - mocked Gilgamesh' childish
A journey towards seventh heaven - pure mortal indeed shall
Gilgamesh looked and he smiled - prepare thee my ship to
6. Enkidu, forged from the mountain - Galilee of Spiritual
Trust not your own understanding - in all ways acknowledge
A priest or prophetic voice - outside this womb an oblation
Friar of enchanted forest - assume this man a relation
"Horror of Great Darkness"
Genesis 15:12 (Shamash)
Gilgamesh IV
By Rick Sjaardema
June 6, 2013
1. By day they traveled by sun - at noon they ate their
As Shamash was going down - at night they made their mound
Within this circle, free from woe - Gilgamesh like men did
Terror roused him in a dream - The shepherd would calm the
2. Three times this process continued - three times his
flesh would crawl
The wind would speak of a devil - darkness would speak of
the fall
Yet Samuel spoke to Elijah - Shamash would also rise
Enkidu would interpret a blessing - Their skin of water,
their eyes
3. This moat surrounding this mountain - Oh Lord this my
fortress be
This fellowship bread of earths' dust - this campfire smoke
set me free
Yet nephilim overcame daylight - storm clouds this fire they
Back to the desert they wandered - these Sethians, first born,
these Shemmed
4. When pill gramming spiritual realm - we dare not travel
The hallowed, she likes to tease - like throwing the dogmas
a bone
When traversing these mountain paths - travel in two or
three strands
Even Alma Mater's Lion - some day leaves life to the grands
5. Stones of the earth thus engraved - smoothed become lost
to time
Sending unclear messages - interpretations, not even a rhyme
Fire sparks into the night - dark clouds billow by day
Fogs of dead pines in the door - confusing the best seer's
6. Words formed for nations' covens - Enkidu now failed to
Their pathway seemed impossible - his arms were still like
The king, he offered the fragrance - to lift oblation's
Paralysis turned to confidence - they met heaven's forest
with grit
Gilgamesh V
By Rick Sjaardema
June 7, 2013
1. Tall cedars of Syria/Lebanon - undergrowth entangling
great pines
The wisdom of Yaw's Shalom men - desire homes of worship and
signsShaded in nests of these Asherahs - happiness winged this forest
Overgrown, virtuously darkened - blackened by names sun's rays blessed
2. The ogre spit grammar's fury - look at you puny and small
Your beloved you ride like a donkey - Goliath three hundred
feet tallLike mirages, your days are like women - their breast milk dries with old age
Yet here you are with Thor's hammer - the garment of decipherers' rage
3. Thus wind stoked Gomorrah 's
fire - Milky's edict's seeds split the earth
The Mother of Nature explained it - a series of death and
rebirthNow... behold me my children - these birds and these lions I've named
Yet ego had welled up within them - If you be our God then be shamed
4. Gilgamesh struck at her tree trunks - Enkidu tore out her
These wolfhounds, the cry of the hunter - carried the faith of the nation
Worshipping stone of memorial - Children to Molech their ration
5. Now Priest tis within your power - to advise your king to
stand down
Enkidu advised Gil to slay her - to grasp her memorial crownAfter the rockets red glare - the Lewis and Clarke Expedition
Gold rush and Otter's revenge - the Gods had completed their mission
6. Obligation now offered to heaven - the wood of the forest
Purgatory received a new gateway - an altar for horn fed
swineCreation now floated down river - the righteous, they washed their hair
Mordecai rode Easter's Chariot - Gilgamesh ascended the stair
"Kingdoms and Holocausts"
Gilgamesh VIPoem by Rick Sjaardema
June 9, 2013
1. Groomed in royal robes with a sash - Marduk now stood in
Gil's gate
Him wearing new royal crown - Ishtar now tempted man's fateThe Merkabah of heaven now yours - Humanity hangs in the gallows
I shall betroth you this day - enemies pillaged like fallows
2. Gilgamesh heard heaven laugh - perceiving the temptress
of power
'Possess now all you can see - You are my Son of the hour''Esther... pride of the herdsmen - who holocaust lambs every day
Yet, dogma's tear at their haunches - now get thee behind me away
3. Pasteurized Alma
which bore me - Mater's great baker of bread
Yet your temptation of power - has led to dishonor and dreadBlood mixed with saints in your dungeon - Spiritual dragon like frogs'
Ishtar, now filled with resentment - promised to raise up the gogs
4. El Yawnu heard her frustration - and offered his bull of
right hand
As crimson's tide flooded the living - strophe orchestrated
the bandDeath now immortalized living - baptismal promise of
Valiant's hall of the martyrs - the sacred show bread unleaven
5. Gilgamesh, like butcher heroic - plunged his sword deep
between horns
Dividing the spiritual Sheol - prostrated to new Sja-birthed
mornsArranged, this meat on this altar - ravenous vultures o'er flew
Ishtar, her harlot's mirages - Abra-Am's relegionist's stew
6. Korah's Qur'ans of the earth - warriors now swallowed in
Enkidu survived Ishtar's curse - 'Gilgal's pallor worship
you must'Kingdom made merry with goblets - this man more radiant than wife
Then lay they them down to dream - the heavens were planning their strife
At Death's Doorway
Gilgamesh VII (Contemporary rewrite)
A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 10, 2013
1. As morning dawned, the prophet spoke - He shared his
vision of night
Heaven and earth had held converse - their anger established
his frightThey'd slain Huyawa who guarded trees - they'd slain the bull of the sky
Sun and wind established their course - yet now Gil's seer must die
2. Enkidu lifted up his voice - Justifying his pine wood
He'd built Gil's temple for this son - tall ceilings from Gil had listened to his friend - his lips had buzzed like flies
A legacy left for the grieving - a friend who had once been wise
3. Flowing with water before the sun - earth watered the
hunters of men
He then remembered his harlot - in wisdom's The idol Gilgamesh had made - did not ease Enkidu's scorn
Righteousness left the priest empty - wishing he'd never been borne
4. A voice then roared from heaven - why do you curse and
throw stones
Sheepfolds en-temple my harlot - kingdom children disciple
my clonesI gave you your wine to drink - in robes magnificently clothed
Men shall remember you fondly - for things in this life you've loathed
5. Then curses, he turned into blessings - His love for
Shamkat heartfelt
Herdsmen shall not hold back from you - in shrines shall
undo their beltListen my friend, I had a dream - between earth and heaven I stood
I've met the Lion and the Eagle - where gods collect crowns for good
6. Enkidu now lay at death's door - his brother unable to
King for his Priest now wept - sorrow where once he'd felt
braveMy friend, my strength is near gone - into death's forest you'll leave
Within this life you've led me - your spiritual memory I'll cleave
"Weaving Our Sheol"
Gilgamesh VIII (Time/Space rewrite)A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 11, 2013
1. When first light of dawn had appeared - Gilgamesh spoke
to his friend
Within the herds of free spirit - your youth the ungodly did
tendYour mother a graceful gazelle - your Father a prized mustang
Heaven and earth now shall weep - as they hear how your death toll rang
2. Now hear me shepherds of sheepfolds - our Prophet was a
noxious Ash
He rose like a thief in the night - and robbed me my youth
and my sashOur friend was the hunted mule - as lions we scaled rugged hills
Demolished enchantment's keeper - Now held by Masonic skills
3. Dressed we in robes of refinement - placed in his coffin
with care
Grieving as great lions do - our eyes mist meets the dawn's
aireOur sheepfolds this memory shall follow - tithes, we bestow thee our ware
Together we establish a ceremony - as a sign we shall shear our hair
4. Shamash shines on your Asherah - within Shem's line be
your name
Our shrines be filled with your stories - weapons for
sacrifice and shameGranted to underworld's guardians - this coven's ark made for Ishtar
Mankind's quick sands now begotten - as forests of tombstones prone are
5. Cedars behold the white of the moon - Saraiah's cherished
Only the best wood shall house thee - perfection for thee
EnkiduIn land's of Milky Way's honey - breakfast had now been prepared
For kings, their Knights of sound fables - Angelic tables now shared
6. Pastured gravestones still shall run smooth - Creations'
first love now waits
Like trees we're grown by the rivers - remembering fruits of
death's datesThe living now caught up in chains - like this our old king Gilgamesh
Memorializing dead who've passed on - become like a Hebrew fetish
"Engraving Our Truth"
Gilgamesh IX (travels through theological history)A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 18, 2013
1. The light of the gods was Sin - identity caught up in
Gil experienced emotion - tugging his heartstrings like
wraithNow out roaming the wilderness - he reached mountain passes at night
Through prayer he'd carved names for gods - to reduce their lion like fright
2. As mountains now rose from his sea - between earth and
heaven firm
Gilima carved destinies' stones - salting Tiamat's worms so
they squirmSeraph's baptismal fire by day - flashing nights' children at war
3. Along this journey seeking truth - covenants
distinguished horizons
Psyche, Noah, Atrahasis - blessed by these flood weapon's
scionsGood and evil enter to play - eternal life now seemed doomed
Cherubim still guard heaven's garden - divisions of man thus assumed
4. Gilgamesh spoke of first life - as Hebrew's snake of
first sin
Scorpions in earth's Yggdrasil - like Anak or Metatron's QinTo fortress of firewalls scaled - angel now egged Gilgamesh on
Chase after the path of Shamash - from dusk till early morn's dawn
5. Through first nine legs he travailed - Cogs broke ahead
and behind
Travel through Nut's realm of darkness - gnashing of teeth
as though blindMastema's tenth raiment now tithed - dawn's shadows fled from Shamash
Thorn bush, fruit tree of knowledge - pearly gates seen through ray's flash
6. Escaping forests of Pine groves - fortressed by banded
Crowned by brambles of thorn bush - King Gilgamesh bore he
this weightTurkish delight with the devil - raiment of truth thus assails me
Visiting Siduri the alewife - who bartends the shores of this sea
Gilgamesh (X)
"Bread of Heaven"
A poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 21, 2013
1. The sea is the Lord's foaming cup - dividing continence
of man
This wine of divided body - throughout chronological spanGrief now brought a gale lion skinned - Siduri now bolted her door
Winds now storm tossed the sea waves - threatening to strip her barred shore
2. Darkness of death haunted this King - Priest Enkidu he'd
loved so much
They'd suffered the fate of mankind - Gil's wolf skin, the
pain of faith's crutch Shamash alone had crossed this sea - to
Find the boat's man of the flood - now sail towards Atlantis' sins
3. Outside the charred realm of Herod - there's weeping and
gnashing of teeth
Tis better housed with the sacred - with blood spattered
lamb slaughtered wreathNow cut logs with sure shine Abbey - As you seek for eternal life
Desire to eat, drink, be merry - within
4. Those first stones you cut from the mount - still golden,
salvation's rule
Yet, your star descended to earth - you broke those stones
like a foolNow, build your ark from the forest - to sail o'er your fellowman
Ascend the steps of your altar - your grief of Seth's drama your fan
5. Why should my heart not be wretched - nor grief my
innermost being
Face like a long distance trav'ler - Axe in my right hand
now swingingMy Priest was the mustang's prize stud - a lion of great mountain pass
My friend, whom I cleaved into death - now formed into clay is his mass
6. Scion, why do you grieve your priest - Zion , why do you fight for God
If Gilgamesh cares for Death is the fate of all mankind - though they be flesh of the heavens
Dragons fly over the rivers - Bakers may now add their leavens
"Catastrophic Baptismal Rebirth"
Gilgamesh XI (Contemporary rewrite)
A poem by Rick SjaardemaJune 22, 2013
1. Serpent tongues of philosophy - King's genie so logically
Gilgamesh with Ut-NH-Phisht-im - discussed NoaH's flood
weapon craftSheepfold by river
Rejected to search out the living - such natives in worship to fell
2. Now Masons created my craft - we sacrificed sheep so to
With oil, with new wine, and beer - we feasted like New
Year's DayThus morning, clouded by darkness - by evening's heaviness of wheat
A storm cloud rose from our valley - (Nin)urta established our feat
3. Gods feared such wrath of confusion - no people
distinguished in death
Ishtar, god's mistress was wailing - like Eve through the
bearing of SethHer temple had spoken of evil - believers now turning to clay
For six days the tempest now raged - awaiting the next Sabbath day
4. Santa Marias, moored on names - founding Jubilee's
distant shores
Returning comes the dove of peace - fating destinies'
raven's loresLike Muhammad I set to pray - the gods like great flies buzzed my head
The warrior Ellil saw my ark - wishing to Yah I'd been dead
5. Who other than Yah would have saved - now punish this
sinner for sin
Place him as a bow in the sky - to aim flaming arrows at kinGilgamesh now slept seven days -
Memory of grief swept away - blind loss of their cognizance skewed
6. Let me reveal guarded matter - let me tell the secrets of
Haunting words place thorns in your crown - like nails in
your hands and feet shodConsider Judas crucified - despised and rejected by men
The tongue in this earth steals the thorn - as humans rebirth scaly skin
"Scrounging Wormy Manna"
Gilgamesh XII (Contemporary rewrite)
A Poem by Rick Sjaardema
June 23, 2013
1. My heart and my mind are of God - Maker of earth and of
Through carpentry welled up in Soul - unto these counselors
sevenGil had loved the daughters of men - Enkidu prepared to retrieve
advised to not wake the waters - or heart wrenched the heavens would grieve
2. Yet Enkidu created ties - his spirit thrown dogmas a bone
Domesticated and perfumed - the natives surrounded his
throneHe chose to love those whom he loved - and he struck those whom he hated
The church like a virgin asleep - now caught like a new moon sated
3. Having caught the name of this son - whom the earth so
readily donned
Gilgal lamented his servant - whom in heaven he'd been so
fondFather El nor Sin had held him - Earth's reverence his Spirit did seize
Now create a hole in ozone - to release his spiritual breeze
4. Together again in heaven - these brothers now spoke of
earth's tone
They wept over Gilgal's sheepfold - through garment her
nakedness shoneHer children you held in your lap - in fox holes like worms in the dust
Scribes who were once open minded - now worship in fear cause they must
5. Through lives, they honor their nation - with Patriarchs
heads on a pole
Jihadists, Crusaders their rags - honoring the friends of
their soulNow they lament Alma Mater - lest heaven remove her tent pegs
They look to the Christ of their cross - perishing through promised land dregs
6. I see them once slain in battle - storied nights told
round this table
Their bodies strewn for the vultures - corpses of Cain and
AbelI saw them, these Christs crucified - whom the tear of every age greets
We feed from leftover manna - heavens bread crumbs lining our streets
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