Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9, 2010; Deuteronomy 33:1-29, Luke 13:1-21, Psalms 78:65-72, Proverbs 12:25

Reflections on Deuteronomy 33:1-29
Moses blessing begins with a vision of an Almighty God of the wilderness,  Mt. Paran on the west side of the Sinai Peninsula, Mt. Sinai to the south or southeast (across the Red Sea at the base of the gulf of Aqaba in the land of the Midianites), the Seir Mountains to the east.  The Lord has shown Himself in power and great glory coming down from myriads of the Heavenly Host with refining fire in His might right hand prepared to purify the world of men.

Throughout the world, the people seek God.  He carries them in the palm of His hand.  He loves them and has redeemed them through this plan He carried out through His chosen line of Israel from whom shall come the Messiah.  It is to them Moses speaks in Deuteronomy 33 although His words now ring true to the greater family of God.  The Lord is indeed the God of Jeshurun (the upright). As Mary of Luke 10:39, let us gather at his feet with ears wide open, worshiping together our King of Peace!

Moses gave the law, being quite straight foward about the Love and Purity within.  The people of Israel rejected that law and spent many generations imagining the people of the world to be their enemy.  Eventually, according to their own prophecy, a Messiah came as the embodiment of that law.  As they still could not recognize the love and refinement (discipline)  He represented, they killed him (John 7:19).  And yet, what they intended for harm, God had intended for the good of all mankind.  This too had been prophesied. (Isaiah 53:5, Hebrews 9:23-28)

Jeshurun's  Representation Deuteronomy 33:6-29

To the tribes of Israel, Moses now gives this blessing: tribal map

(vs 6) Reuben (see a son), the firstborn had lost his birthright for sleeping with Israel's concubine, Bilhah (Genesis 35:22).  Under his banner, he was stationed with Simon and Gad south of the tabernacle in the wilderness.  Israel had cursed him in Genesis 49:4 stating "you will no longer excel," Moses kept his blessing short in Deuteronomy 33:6 ""Let Reuben live and not die, nor his men be few."  Perhaps Reuben represents the dangers of entitlement and hypocrisy as Children of God have the tendancy to sleep in the joy of their salvation and withold her from the greater family of God.

(vs 7) Judah (praise), had become first in line although he was the fourth born son.  Simeon and Levi had lost their birthright for their violence, driving the family from their home in Shechem.  The Tribe of Judah was stationed under their banner to the east of the tabernacle in the wilderness with Issachar and Zebulan.  He would return from the Babylonian captivity with Benjamin and Simeon and would be used of God to bring forth the Emmanuel.  Israel spoke of this in Genesis 49:10 stating "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff..." Moses calls upon God to hear him, bring him, and help him against his foes.  Judah may well represent our Glory to God for our salvation within His Kingdom.

(vs 8-11) Levi, centered within the temple grounds amongst the tribes in the wilderness, was the 3rd son of Jacob and Leah.  His name in Hebrew is 'lawah' meaning 'joined'.  He received no inheritance among the people as they would be priests and ministers before God among the people and with the tabernacle.  Israel (Jacob) had joined a curse upon them with Simeon calling for their division and scattering amongst the people.  Moses speaks in a much more positive way regarding their calling to be set apart for God.  The Thummim and Urim were pieces on the breastplate of the Priest representing righteousness and truth, or light and perfection.  They were separated even from their families from age 30-50 devoting themselves to the law.  Moses asks for God's blessing and vindication of their office.

Malachi 2 gives the Priests and ministers, those called to bring people back to God, then and now a stern warning regarding their office, not to become partial when it comes to spreading this Love from God: Malachi 2:7-9 "For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction - because he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty. But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi,' says the Lord Almighty. 'So I have caused you to be despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not followed my ways but have shown partiality in matters of the law."  The purpose of the Levite was to represent the way, the truth, and the life for men to find God.

(vs 12) Benjamin was Israels 12th and final male child.  He was second son of Rachel, who died in childbirth - naming him Ben-o-ni (son of my sorrow).  Jacob (Israel) changed his name to Benjamin (son of my right hand or son of the south).  Perhaps referring to his youthful appetite, Jacob called him a revenous wolf; in the morning he devours the prey" in Genesis 49:27.  His increase in the wilderness was second only to Manasseh.  Moses spoke of God's nearness, protection and love regarding Benjamin.  Perhaps Benjamin references the young men of the earth, the warriors, God's acceptance of fallen man.  Towards the end of the book of Judges, the tribe of Benjamin was almost wiped out, but being the least of the tribes of Israel, they would produce its first King.  Together with Simeon they would remain with Judah when Israel split into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.

(vs 13-17) Joseph was 11th son of Israel and first son of Rachel.  Sold into slavery, he became a ruler in Egypt where his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim were born.  Joseph's descendants, as represented by Ephraim and Manasseh were more than those of any of his brothers as they prepared to enter the promised land.  Ephraim, second son of Joseph, would eventually be the ruling tribe of the Israeli Kingdom, often referred to as the Northern Kingdom.  Ephraim was known for his bow and his might!  Jacob (Israel) bestowed great blessings on Josephs children in Genesis 49:24-26.  Moses also calls great blessings upon them both from the heavens and the earth.  He calls for favor of him that dwelt in the bush referencing to his initial meeting with God in Exodus 3:2 and 4.  He calls him a prince which was fulfilled in the Kings of Israel.  Moses speaks of his people being pushed to the ends of the earth!  Certainly, by 1948 when Israel was called back to the Holy land, they were spread throughout the earth.  Together Ephraim and Manasseh represented the Kingdoms and peoples of the Earth through whom God shall grant his blessings.  Their names also may denote forgetting the sorrow of what lay behind given the anticipation of the fruitfulness of the coming harvest.

(vs 18-19) Issachar and Zebulan represented Israel's 9th and 10th sons.  They were the 5th and 6th sons of Leah.  Their names represent honor and service.  Both had seen great increase in numbers over 40 years in the wilderness.  Jacob (Israel) had blessed them in Genesis 49:13-15, seeing Zebulan as a welcome to the promised land and Issachar His place of pleasant rest.  Moses adds the reference of Zebulan going out and bringing home the harvest as Issachar would represent the house of God where His children would grow strong in the nurture of right worship.  Present day Nazareth, home of Jesus, now lies within the hill country of Zebulan, above the Kishon River off the Mediteranian sea.

Isaiah 60:5 "Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come."

Zebulan and Issachar joined Judah under their banner as they camped to the east of the Tabernacle and they followed Moses and the Levites through the wilderness as they would set out from camp.

(vs 20-21) Gad was stationed to the South with the tribes of Reuben and Simeon.  He was Israel's 7th son and Zilpah (maid of Leah)'s firstborn son.  His name means 'good fortune'.  Jacob (Israel) had prophesied that Gad would be attacked, but would emerge victorious (see possible fulfillment see I Chronicles 5:18-22).  Gad had emerged from the wilderness as a tribe of purpose and as a military leader.  Gad had claimed land east of the Jordan with Reuben and Mannasseh.  I Chronicles speaks of the land intoned by Moses in verse 21; I Chronicles 5:16 "The Gadites lived in Gilead, in Bashan and its outlying villages, and on all the pasturelands of Sharon as far as they extended."  Perhaps in our spiritual battle, Gad represents the beautiful land which is ours to possess and our claim of victory over the attacks of temptation which are bound to come.  He represents our inheritance and victory over adversity.

(vs 22) Dan was stationed with Asher and Naphtali to the North of the tabernacle in the wilderness.  He was firstborn of Bilhah (maid of Rachel) and 5th son of Israel (Jacob).  It would appear he was instramental in the defeat of Og, King of Bashan, under the leadership of Gad.  Rachel named Dan with reference to "He Judged" as she found worthiness before God through him.  Jacob envisioned his deliverance in Genesis 49:18 and Moses speaks of this tribe as a child of the King (lion's cub).  In last day's theology, it is often noted that Dan is not mentioned in Revelation 7 with the sons of God's chosen people.  Of all the tribes, Dan appeared to have struggled the most with impurity in worship and received a small, separated inheritance.  He indeed appears to be cut off and separated from the Love of God, but may well represent His surprise deliverance come judgment day.

Wisdom 5:4-6 "fools that we were! His life we accounted madness, and his death dishonored.  See how he is accounted among the sons of God; how his lot is with the saints (Acts 26:18, Colossians 1:12)! We, then, have strayed from the way of truth (Proverbs 4:18, John 12:35), and the light of justice did not shine for us, and the sun did not rise for us (Isaiah 59:6-14)." (this quote from the book of Wisdom is also Messianic and is used here in reference to Dan through personal insight only and certainly may not reflect then intent of the original writer)

(vs 23) Naphtali (wrestled) was Israel's (Jacob's) 6th son, second by Bilhah, and younger full brother of Dan.  Together with Asher, they camped under the banner of Dan to the north of the tabernacle during the 40 years in the wilderness.  Through poetry, Jacob (Israel) blessed Naphtali's use of words in Genesis 49:21.  Moses envisions Naphtali to find the favor and full blessing of the Lord, and possession of the lake.  They would be established on the shores of Galilee where Jesus would share most of his ministry.  The first disciples predominatly came from the land of Naphtali. From them, we have recieved the words of Jesus, the cornerstone of our unity, and yet a double edged sword refining us towards peace and purity.

(vs 24-25) Asher was stationed to the North of the tabernacle under the banner of Dan during the 40 years with Dan and Naphtali.  He would also receive land to the North between them and their Mediterranian shorline.  Younger brother of Gad by Zilpah (maid of Leah), Asher was Israel's 8th son. Jacob (Israel) spoke of the richness of his food in Genesis 49:20.  Moses blesses him to be esteemed by his brothers, walking in the way of the annointed. 

Psalm 147:12-14 reflects verse 25 "Extol the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Zion, for he strengthens the bars of your gates and blesses your people within you. He grants peace to your borders
and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.

Reflecting on Asher's prominence on the northwest corner of Israel, providing borders by land and sea; considering the blessings of their seacoasts and climate; Accepting the words of scripture on their behalf; We might consider their representation of God's protection and providence within His Kingdom as He watches over His children.  He alone is our strength and shield against adversity.  Asher means happiness, and scripture often reflects that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Asher then becomes our Joy and Strength in the Lord.

Poor brother Simeon, second son of Israel and Leah did not receive mention by Moses in Deuteronomy 33.  Leah had given Simeon his name as she felt the Lord had 'heard' that she was hated.  Israel had cursed him for his violence in Genesis 49:7 saying that he would be scattered throughout Israel with Levi.  As Moses and Aaron were from the tribe of Levi, the Levites were given honor and position among the people, but Simeon was adopted into the land of Judah according to Joshua 19.  During the 40 years within the wilderness, they had lost well over half their population with 18000 less men than the next largest tribe.  There is strong speculation that they were a dominant tribe involved in the adultery with the daughters of Midian and we do know it was a Simeonite leader whom Phineas singled out according to Numbers 25:14.  There is some speculation of a civil war against the Simeonite clan which would lead to Moses not mentioning his name, nor writing of the history.  Other ancient documents speak of the widows of Simeon marrying into other tribes.  We do know they were united with the tribe of Judah in Joshua 19 and remained a part of Judah into the Babylonian captivity.  They were the castoffs, the despised, the aliens, yet they remained enjoined to the children of God and remained a part of God's family.  Their name was not forgotten by God. (Revelation 7:7)

(vs 26) As referenced on April 7, 'Jeshurun' is poetic reference to Israel, thus consecrated, upright, holy, and chosen.  Pronounced, (Yeh-shoo-ron), the term is used 4 times in the Bible. Deuteronomy 32:15; Deuteronomy 33:5, 26; and Isaiah 44:2. 

Moses waxes poetic in these closing words to the Israelites.  Some may question how much Moses knew of God's plan of salvation.  I feel it is safe to say he knew what he knew and He wrote what God inspired him to write.  In his documentation of what he had read of history and what he recorded as the words of the Lord, he appears to percieve that the Israelites are the only chosen people of God and that everyone else is doomed to perish.  Given his moment in history, how could he imagine anything else?  And yet, we have witnessed Messianic texts and inspirations throughout his writings which have opened that salvation up to all man and exemplified this God of Love in spite of the necessary discipline and refinement.

We certainly can take Moses' words to heart as He describes this God of Jeshurun who rides majestic through the skies to our rescue!  We too can experience that protection and safety within His embrace as He holds us through adversity.  We too can experience His blessings both now and forevermore.  The joy of Moses' God is our strength also!  He is our strength and shield.  Hear, oh people of the world, the Lord our God, the Lord is One and there is no other.  Prepare your hearts and run to the Great 'I Am'! Come to Zion.

Reflections on Luke 13:1-21

I Make All Things New Luke 13:1-9

(vs 1-5) How difficult it is for most of us to imagine the purity of animal sacrifice could make a difference for our forgiveness.  And yet, that was the situation within Jerusalem at the time of Christ.  There is no mention of the situation with Pilate and the Galileans blood in any other reference to help with our understanding of this passage.  Jesus uses the setting to establish a teaching that repentance and forgiveness shall be for Jew and Gentile alike.  The hearers that day as well as the reader today understood Jesus was not speaking of the physical death of these Galileans, but something far more serious - spiritual death.  The main ingredient of the message for all of us was repentance establishing spiritual life! - not to worry anyone about physical death.  The same message rang true regarding the tragedy at the tower of Siloam.

(vs 6-9) As a landscaper, I know the importance of the cultural practice spoken of.  As our roots need to be exposed to air as well as dried of excessive water, it is good practice to remove some of the earth from time to time as the earth has a tendency to build up and choke the life of the tree.  Adding fertilizer also is beneficial, both when applied directly to the tree and other plants in the surrounding area. 

Jesus came to give life.  His message was not so different than his cousin John's in that they both spoke of the importance of repentance and forgiveness of sins.  We often understand that to be our own repentance and God's forgiveness, but Jesus appears to grant God's forgiveness as a preknown fact.  He spends more time expressing the need of forgiving our fellowman.  Regarding the law, he said in Matthew 7:12 "in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." In verse 13 he called this the "narrow gate" which few understand. 

His teaching on the fig tree brings up the common biblical number '3' which the most obvious reference is found in John 2:19 ""Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." Through His coming death, God is changing the old understanding of the law according to Revelation 21:5 "He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'" Knowing this gave Christ the assurance that he could tell the worst of sinners that their sins were forgiven as He instructed them to go and sin no more.  Do this in remembrance of Him. (warning: good song, passionate video)

This parable follows the tower of Siloam and the intermingling of the Gentile blood with the blood of the Israelites.  Indeed, Christ died for all men.  All those represented in the life and times of their brethren,  The chosen of God as represented by Levi; The discarded and abandoned as we reflected were represented by Simeon; The forgotten of the world who were caught up in impure worship as represented by Dan.  He calls all of us to scrape off the soil of this earth and expose our roots.  Bask in the nutrients of creation itself and in the moisture of of His Spirit and His Word - His Love.  Join your roots with those of your fellowman and bear fruit towards His glory as grow strong towards the heavens bearing fruit towards the earth beneath. Grow strong so that you can avoid the diseases that you know can devour your life and sustenance.  Flourish so that the master's grace and mercy continues to cultivate your presence within His orchard.

Come and Sing Luke 13:10-17

(vs 10-17) In Luke 4:18, Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1-2 "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, (the blind) to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,

The symbiance between the Father and his only begotten Son was physically present and walked among men.  Not only was this the Lord's day, but this was the year of the Lord's favor!  What better day than the Lord's day, and what better place than the Lord's house, to heal our diseases - providing release from our captivities!  And yet, the evil spirits were all around and the toughest adversary resided within the leadership of the church as they carried the weight and chains of religious rules and regulations.  They could not even recognize that the very power of the Father they desired to serve was present and active amongst them.  Consider their inability to witness the beauty of the power displayed before them as their eyes were darkened by envy, strife, and murder as they deemed the very Son of God within their midst to be the difilement  as He would not honor their rules of conduct and worship!  Would that they too could be cleansed and their eyes would be opened!  Yet, just as Pharoah would not let the people go, so these rulers were blinded by darkness and could not witness the power of the Father Himself being displayed within their midst.  All this so that scripture and redemption would reach fulfillment by their hands.  They knew not what they were doing.

What better day than the Lord's day to release the burden of laws and regulations and celebrate the year of the Lord's favor!  What better day to celebrate before Him with praise and thanksgiving!  What better opportunity than to enter His House and celebrate His Love and faithfulness, leaving behind the captivities and adversities of Life!  What better day to celebrate salvation and witness His power and Love!  What better day to join with the family of God and feast within the blessings of our Holy Father.  What better day to leave behind our world of woe and raise the roof with one voice shouting Our God Reigns!  What better day to be filled with His power and Love and allow Him to bless our coming in and our going out to change our world!  Joshua 24:14b-15 "Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Gladly!

Only a Spark Luke 13:18-20

How can you, just one individual, change the world into one of Love and Peace?  After 5770 years (Hebrew calendar based on years since creation from their reading of scripture) how can you make a difference as we step away from Cain's actions against his brother and return a creation united in His Love back to our Creator?  It begins by Loving God within.  It grows by building up your family and friends in Love.  It grows through cultivation, exposing the roots and receiving the breath of God and receiving the dew of His Spirit and the nutrients of His Word.  He promises that His seed in your soul will grow into the tallest of trees as the fruit of His Spirit covers all those around you, naturally planting His seed in their souls, cultivating new trees and so on and so on until the yeast of His Love is established throughout this bread of life and we are reunited with our Father at His table and can all partake together.  

Reflections on Psalm 78:65-72

In reflecting on Psalm 78 on April 8, I covered today's reading also.  Return to that blog for a full summary of Psalm 78.  Here are excerpts from that blog covering today's reading:

(vs 65-66) Their judgment was not isolated and God's refinement prepared a new era for man

Isaiah 42:13-16a "The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies. 'For a long time I have kept silent, I have been quiet and held myself back. But now, like a woman in childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant. I will lay waste the mountains and hills and dry up all their vegetation; I will turn rivers into islands and dry up the pools. I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;

(vs 67-72) Through His redemption plan, God called Judah and David back to Zion for Salvation's entrance.

Ezekiel 19:10-11 "Your mother was like a vine in your vineyard planted by the water; it was fruitful and full of branches because of abundant water. Its branches were strong, fit for a ruler's scepter. It towered high above the thick foliage, conspicuous for its height and for its many branches."

Reflections on Proverbs 12:25

Why burden a man with worry? Why not build one another up in Love? 

Romans 8:37 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
I Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

Until Tomorrow
