We seek nothing less than thy Kingdom, oh Holy God, from the fountain of love we find in thy Spirit to our embrace of that final man. May the demons of our afflictions and divisions scurry to dimensions unknown. Thus cleansed, may we join all men as we humbly bow before your throne.
Response to Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20
Purpose and Prophecy of Passover Deuteronomy 16:1-8
The last we looked at Passover was March 19th as we reflected on Numbers 28. To see all comments to date on the Passover, type 'Passover' into the 'search this blog' engine to the right. Passover is celebrated on the first full moon (14th day) of the month of Abib which begins on the first new moon of Spring. In 2010, Passover was celebrated on March 30. Christians will celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following Passover. Deuteronomy 16:1-8 reminds the Israelites of the reason for the Passover. He ties this instruction for its observance in the promised land together with the feast of unleavened bread, also detailed in Numbers 28. This is the first reference to the unleavened bread as the "bread of affliction" and applying these seven days to the rememberance to life in Egypt before their deliverance. This then may change our earlier reference to yeast as a mold or blemish, representative of sin and instead represent life without the joy of the Lord! Yeast then, is something to look forward to such as the eighth day and the coming of the Lord. Moses also applies the meaning to quick and speedy deliverance - the reminder that there was no time to do regular work - as the Israelites were suddenly released from their toil and their lives were thus changed forever.
This ritual that the Passover could only be kept at the designated place is a carryover of God's intent to gather the people together in rememberance and celebration first intoned in Exodus 23:14-17. Exodus 23:17 "Three times a year all the men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord." As we will find in Judges, the requirement to come together in worship and celebration was with good reason. In fulfillment of this passage, Jesus Christ not only ate his last supper in Jerusalem, but became the fulfillment of the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world just outside its walls. Jesus also chose the place where the meal would be prepared and eaten with his disciples (Matthew 26:17-19, Mark 14:12-16, Luke 22:7-13 - John does not mention the preparation, but jumps right into the dinner conversation in John 13.)
Of Bounty and Unity Deuteronomy 16:9-17
When the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the promised land, a new era began in their history. No longer were they slaves of Egyptian bondage. No longer were they wanderers for 40 years in the desert. The day they crossed over, the manna ceased and they relied on the providence of the Lord in the promised land. The feast of weeks commemorated that first day of harvest in the promised land, looking forward to the promised coming of the Lord following 7 full weeks culminating in the celebration of pentecost. (50th day). On that day, they would bring their offerings and celebrate the second coming together of the people with the celebration of the feast of tabernacles (God is with us) perhaps commemorating the coming of Jesus Christ and the generation who would share in His life and ministry. Today, we anticipate God's coming once again through a myriad of beliefs and understandings as we present our offerings before His throne.
It is important to remember our common travels on this earth and to celebrate our anticipation with one another. This past week, I have seen Mormon missionaries and Jewish Rabbi's walking along the road. I know that they anticipate our Lord's coming along with me. Rich and poor, slave and free, from all 7 continents and every faith. Seeking relationship with the Father remains our common bond and we are called to come together in worship and praise and to seek His face. Deuteronomy 16:16-17 "Three times in a year all your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. "Every man (perhaps leader today) shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you. This may have been written to the Children of God listening that day across the Jordan, but it also speaks to each of us who wish to be considered Children of God today. Whatever your understanding, it is good to come together and worship and bow before our Lord and Maker in a celebration of peace with Love, Praise, Thanksgiving, offering the bounty of our lives before Him.
The Coming Kingdom of Equity, Justice, and Righteousness Deuteronomy 16:18-17:20
Knowing people cannot govern themselves, God required government and courts. He knew the problems of perversion both within communities and of justice. It would make sense from Deuteronomy 16:18-20 that governments would be used to control the people and that the people would have tools in place to control the governments. Allowing everyone to worship according to the way they see fit is an invitation for disaster. Judgment from every angle must ascribe virtues of equity, wisdom, justice, and righteousness. Leaders should be representative of all the people so that the poor would have just as much say as the rich - and just as much access to leadership positions.
First and formost, is the greatest commandment. Thou shalt Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deuteronomy 28 alludes to the possibility that God has allowed evil Spirits upon the earth as manifestations of our desire to worship apart from Him. Any idolotry is considered an abomination to God as any of us would even consider that the creator of the heavens and the earth could possibly be ridiculed in an edifice of wood or stone or embodied in a mountain, star, planet, man, beast, or any part of His vast creation. Any such abomination must be forbidden for God to grant His peace and blessing in our midst.
As with our supreme court, the High Priest was the ruler and final authority in Israel up until the time of the Kings, and after the Babylonian captivity. They had governors and other positions in post exilic empires, but the High Priest was generally revered as the highest authority through the time of Jesus until the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
Unless one attempts to rip apart the book of Deuteronomy, it is apparent God spoke through Moses that a King would eventually come. This in itself became a prophecy also regarding the Messiah. For although many Kings came beginning with Saul, none followed the rules prescribed for the King until Jesus Christ. Knowing once again that this was written by the Jews, we know the tone was not written for one accepting that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah! Beyond the fact ancient documents confirm the historicity of Deuteronomy, we also may assume by this writing that it was not written after the first Kings had risen to the throne.
The Deuteronomical law did not specify which tribe the King would come from, therefore, the first King Samuel anointed to be King was Saul from the tribe of Benjamin. This again reflected an error in prophecy and showed that Saul was doomed from a time much earlier as Jacob had uttered prophecy in genesis 49:10 in blessing his third son, Judah; "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his."
Following the demise of the tribal unity of Israel - following Solomon's reign, 10 tribes split from two tribes. Judah then became a separate country from Israel with only the tribe of Benjamin at his side. The 10 tribes of Israel were then governed by Jereboam of Ephraim, son of Joseph fulfilling Genesis 48:17-19 "When Joseph saw his father placing his right hand on Ephraim's head he was displeased; so he took hold of his father's hand to move it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head. Joseph said to him, 'No, my father, this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.' But his father refused and said, 'I know, my son, I know. He too will become a people, and he too will become great. Nevertheless, his younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will become a group of nations.'
Even today as we serve as Children in the Kingdom of God, it is good to have organization and leaders of men who are willing to follow an ethical code as prescribed in Deuteronomy 16:18-17:20.
Response to Luke 9:7-27
Like and Let Die. Luke 9:7-9 (Matthew 14:1-12, Mark 6:14-39)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herod_the_Great Herod the Great of Matthew 2 was "born 74 BC, died 4 BC in Jericho, according to other data, 1 BC"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herod_Antipas "Antipas was a son of Herod the Great", "In 39 AD Antipas was accused by his nephew Agrippa I"
Antipas was also known as 'Herod the tetrarch' of Luke 9:7. Luke spends the least time on the death of John the Baptist, but also ties this story into the Herod of the crucifiction story as Luke 23:8 becomes an extension of Luke 9:9.
Nothing Short of Miraculous Luke 9:10-17 (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, John 6:1-13)
Sandwiched around our visit with Herod of Luke 9:7-9 is the going and coming again of the 12 apostles from their mission excursion. Luke 9:1-6 is referenced by the return of verse 10. Jesus took them to the north shore of the Sea of Galilee east of the Jordan, but the people followed them and would not allow the rest he sought. He had compassion and taught them. It was from this location, near Bethsaida http://bibleatlas.org/bethsaida.htm that the feeding of the 5000 took place. The miracle is found in all four gospels. Only Luke mentions that it was near Bethsaida and only John mentions that it was the time of the Passover, the beginning of Spring just before the wheat and barley harvest.
Mark compared this story to the ministry of the Pharisees as they asked for a sign. Jesus reminded the disciples of the amount of baskets which had been picked up following the feeding of the 5000 and of the 4000. In this story, 12 baskets of scraps were picked up. The later feeding of the 4000 is not mentioned in Luke but in Mark the disciples are reminded that following that miracle 7 baskets were picked up. When I commented on Mark 8:11-21 I mentioned how this reflected the 7 lamps on the lampstand to the left of the altar in the tabernacle and the 12 loaves of bread set on the table to the right. Jesus ministry was filled with signs and wonders and this is one of the greatest!
Jesus knew the disciples needed rest. He desired to decommision them and find out about their missionary experiences, He had sought solace. Yet, when he could not escape the crowds, he had compassion on them. He welcomed them. He taught them. He organized them. He fed them. He cared for them. It does not appear He judged them. It appears His message was one of Love and Peace and Forgiveness followed by a time of celebration and fellowship. I noticed in this lesson today, Jesus did not talk about the kingdom of hell, but only of the Kingdom of Heaven. Perhaps there were no Pharisees present.
Follow Our Leader Luke 9:18-27 (Matthew 16:13-28, Mark 8:27-9:1)
Did you notice verse 19 reflects the same thing Herod had been hearing in verses 7-9? Although he had built quite a reputation and had talked to the multitudes about repentance, forgiveness, and salvation; and although He had shown great power and glory, there was still much confusion as to who He was. And yet, when the disciples were asked, Matthew Mark and Luke all say it was Peter who spoke up and said "Thou Art the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Matthew 16:16 KJV) (John also attributes this affirmation to Peter in John 6:69). As this association would eventually become a cry of blasphemy by those who knew not what they were doing, Jesus asked that this knowledge and declaration not become public knowledge just yet. That time would come after His death and would lead to the martyrdom of most if not all of the apostles. Even today, such profession can lead to martyrdom in many parts of our world at the hands of those who know not what they are doing.
Each of us understands our Holy Books differently. That is a fact of life! If my belief is correct, each of us has a spiritual dimension and personality that is unique and individual. Through many teachers, most (if not all) of us have come to know our Creator in some way and have some sort of identity with Him. Most (if not all) of us today have also heard of Jesus Christ and have some sort of identity associated with Him. Do not imagine Him to be the image created by some faith group! Read these gospels recorded from that very first century from men and women who walked and talked with the man. As with many spiritual leaders who have become the focus of religious persuasions throughout our world, we do not have the actual written word or verbal recordings of Jesus Christ, yet it would appear all four gospels were written less than 50 years following Jesus life on earth.
I truly don't believe you have to know some magic code to earn salvation or to share it with your neighbor. A few things I do know; I cannot save myself from sin; - I cannot achieve righteousness on my own - and I cannot save anyone. I do believe that I can tell you that your sins are forgiven and that God is reaching out to you in love, and that He paid your debt through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I do believe you can tell this good news to your family, friends, and neighbors without fear. But, I may be wrong and there are so many who believe differently than I that I challenge you to pick up your copy of the Bible and study it for yourself. Don't wait until you have all the answers before you start sharing your faith because that day will never come as long as we live on this earth. Give a Bible to a friend and study it together. Be quick to hear how God is working in their life. Be slow to speak and come across as a know it all (tough one, I know). Be slow to anger when others don't agree with your point of view.
Jesus challenges you in this reading to make this your life goal - to share the good news. Don't be ashamed. Make it your first priority! Take up everything that you are - happiness - sadness - worries - praises and follow Him and go out into the world and spread the good news of your salvation and theirs!
Response to Psalm 72
In the Service of the King Psalm 72
We have visited Psalms by the sons of Korah, Asaph, David, Jeduthan, but this is the first referred to as a Psalm of Solomon. And yet, verse 20 refers this prayer to David as He appoints Solomon to be annointed King in his stead. (I Kings 1:28-40). Psalm 72:20 claims this is the final prayer of David. Perhaps this was part of His declaration at Solomon's coronation. Under Solomon's reign, Israel's borders would reach their greatest extent and Israel would experience its glory years.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psalms_of_Solomon "the Psalms of Solomon is a group of eighteen psalms (religious songs or poems) that are not part of any scriptural canon" "The 17th of the 18 Psalms has a similarity to Psalm 72"
Many consider Psalm 72 to be a Messianic Psalm, looking forward to the eternal Kingdom of the one to come - which many in the world attribute to Jesus Christ. A similar Psalm can be found in Psalm 24, yet that Psalm is more easily recognizable of divine intent. Psalm 72 certainly carries the theme "May the King reign forever" which was a common phrase for royalty given a study quick study of ancient history or literature.
My comments on this Psalm will once again be in the form of a prayer of a child of God seeking to do His bidding on earth. Apply it to Christ, apply it to Solomon, or apply it to yourself as you devote yourself, body and soul to your everlasting Father. It never hurts to personalize the prayers in the Bible as you seek your connection with God.
We seek thy justice and righteousness, Heavenly Father, may we find acceptance as your children. Help us to visualize our fellowman through your love and treat the downtrodden with compassion and understanding. We seek your blessing Lord against adversity. Guide us as we seek prosperity for all mankind.
We intend to sing thy praises throughout our days, Dear Lord, may blessings of our love enrich our fellowman. We desire to be instraments of peace throughout our dying world. Bless our efforts dear Lord and may our children's children carry our vision unto fruition.
We seek nothing less than thy Kingdom, oh Holy God, from the fountain of love we find in thy Spirit to our embrace of that final man. May the demons of our afflictions and divisions scurry to dimensions unknown. Thus cleansed, may we join all men as we humbly bow before your throne.
Lord, you have promised your love and we stand witness to your salvation. Lord be our fortress and that sure defense against our foe. Lift the fainthearted and encourage the downtrodden and deliver us from evil. Protect us from ourselves as we seek to dignify what we have so easily discarded under our dillusion.
Bless us we pray dear Father, as we seek the glory of thy name. Provide for us and lead us and show us thy salvation day unto day. Bless our health and our children that we may spread your love to your children and tell them of your mighty works. We commit our cause to you and to your Kingdom now and forevermore.
For you alone are worthy! You alone have become our salvation. Your Love is boundless, your peace flows abundantly like a river baptising all within its path. May your Kingdom come! May your will be done! Throughout the earth as it is in Heaven. Lead on Oh King Eternal. May your glory fill the earth.
Response to Proverbs 12:8-9
The Beauty of Wisdom (quotes from the Book of Wisdom)
Wisdom 6:12 "Resplendent and unfading is Wisdom and she is readily perceived by those who love her, and found by those who seek her."
Wisdom 6:20 "The desire for Wisdom leads up to a kingdom."
Wisdom 6:24 "A great number of wise men is the safety of the world"
Wisdom 7:15b-16a "He is the guide of Wisdom and the director of the wise. For both we and our words are in his hand, as well as all prudence and knowledge.
Wisdom 9:17 "Who ever knew your cousel, except you had given Wisdom and sent your holy spirit from on high?"
Obtain Wisdom for she will serve you well. Yet man shall not live on wisdom alone. Put into practice the things she teaches you regarding practical living as you pray to God each night.
Sweet Dreams
Until Tomorrow
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