Heavenly Father; we come before you again today to partake of your Holy Word. Allow it to fill our lives with new insights from you. May we treat this time together as sacred as we expience your presence.
Response to Exodus 30:11-31:18
I feel a good verse in summary of what Moses received from God is found in verse 13 "This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy. Why does one person choose to get Spiritual and another not? Is this a personal choice or an act of God? Perhaps it comes from a basic understanding - and then one must realize what allows him or herself to acknowledge God. Perhaps it was a non-abusive home or some other blessing; financial, emotional, or spiritual that allowed the presence of God to seem so real and alive. However, as we have read - God hates pride - and we are blessed to be a blessing. A reason for our worship is "This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy."
I hear plenty about "elect" and "predestination" and I think we mistakenly feel that God cares about the holy person more than the unholy. However, I caution the individual who considers themselves "elect" as to whether there should be an inherent pride in God's increased favor, or a hightened sense of responsibility to helping the seeming unholy and hurting within the world. I believe if an individual feels they are called of God, they had better honor that call by not tearing down, but by building up the sense of love, joy, and peace - whether that be within the body of Christ or within the broader worldwide scale of humanity. Look around and see that you were given gifts and graces that are not common to man. Seek out an individual who is struggling to accept the Love of God and attempt to figure out why and help them instead of lamely discarding them as worthless before God. They are indeed our mission! Not only around the world in environments of starvation or crisis, but often right next door. Ask them how they understand the love of God and work to release them from their bondage. Don't lock them up and throw away the key in the hopes that some rapture that will offer you a reprieve and escape from their cruel world!
The priests in Exodus were not the only saved indivuals - the only ones God cared about. He set down laws, rules, and regulations to remind the people who it was that led them out of Egypt - as if the daily signs of manna were not enough. What is the manna in your life that you have come to take for granted?
Pay the atonement offering (Exodus 30:11-16) Remember it is I who saved you, take care of those who minister in my name. You must treat me with honor or you will forget me and become proud unto yourselves.
The bronze basin (Exodus 17:21) Wash yourselves before ministering before me in sight of all who come to worship. This is a sign to remind you that I am Holy and your honor is required when you come to worship.
Don't treat me with disrespect, or you will become proud and haughty in your own eyes. I make you Holy.
The annointing oil (Exodus 30:22-33) will be a sign both by sight and smell with which you will consecrate the priests for worship. Do not use it in any other way. It is a sign that it is I who make you holy. Your respect of my presence in your lives will enable you to live lives with honor not only to me but to your fellow man. This is sacred and must be kept so.
The fragrant incense (Exodus 30:34-38) There are many who worship outside the Catholic or Jewish congregations and look at them and wonder what's wrong. They consecrate themselves with holy water before entering worship! Their worship centers smell funny. They must be cults, right? I think not. Too many who do not follow these sacred laws of Exodus 30 do not take worship seriously. We want it to feel good. I see pride and immorality fill our worship centers. We have forgotten that it is God who makes us holy. We are aware of the minister and want the message to change our lives, but we tend to forgot it was God we were seeking!
He has said if you seek me you will find me when you seek me with all your heart. What sights and sounds are in your worship that remind you that you are on sacred ground. You are presenting your life as an offering before God Himself! What skill do you have to offer the family as a craftsman.
When it comes right down to it, this living thing is not something we're doing, it's something God is doing, and He has allowed us to be a part and has been very patient. We owe it to Him to give our time to Him and consecrate oursleves into His Holy Presence, don't you think? Or are you too proud.
This ends Moses visit with God on the Mountain. As His graduation, he is given the two stone tablets with those first 10 rules - the ones that will help those million or so unruly people in the valley to get a life - and find joy in it.
Response to Matthew 26:47-68
We begin after Jesus has been praying in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives and has roused his dozing disciples a third time. flaming torches now surround the group and Judas points out Jesus by kissing him. Unfortunately, we never get to hear what was going on in Judas mind. We only hear the story from other disciples who are shocked by what is happening and cannot comprehend what he could have been thinking.
In a rage, one of them lashes out with his sword (apparently the disciples had theirs with them at the time), and cuts the ear off the servant of the high priest. (we've just spoken of "I am the Lord who makes you Holy"), now we will watch the pride of these Priests as they humiliate God's sacrificial lamb unawares.) Jesus immediately squashes the violence and goes with the teachers of the law and religious rulers of Jerusalem.
Have you noticed that never once did Jesus condone violence or warfare. In fact, he condemned anger. Why do we think this is going to change now? Was He too weak then? He reminds them that all this must be fulfilled as Scripture says it must happen this way. Some may use that as an answer to my own question - certainly worth further study! His statement "All who live by the sword will die by the sword" Matthew 26:52 is a good place to start.
I would like to note something I have found interesting about the title "Son of God" as we find it in Matthew 26:63-64. Up to this time in Matthew's writing, Jesus has never used this title. He has always referred to himself as "Son of Man". I have found that this is consistent through the four gospel stories of his life listed in today's Bible. However, when the religious leaders asked him if he was the Messiah, the Son of God, he answers "Yes, it is as you say. In the similar telling of the story by Peter in Luke 22:70, Jesus responded by saying "You say that I am" depending on what version you are reading from. The only time I have found that Jesus refers to himself as "The Son of God" is in John's telling of the story in John 5:25; "Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live."
This verse continues and brings us back to the title of "Son of Man". It's use appears to lay claim that Jesus has the power to judge because He is the "Son of Man." John 5:26-28 (RSV); "For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself, and has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of man. Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come forth, those who have done good,to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment." Who has not done any good? Who has not done any evil? That my friends is the question of history.
Our story from Matthew for today ends in a complete mockery of what we began with in Exodus. Instead of a bronze basin, annointing oil, and a sweet smelling aroma in the Temple court, we have taunting, spitting, beating, and bloodshed. Yet, still, we stand as audience to the sacrifice of God's firstborn Son of the New Covenant.
Response to Psalm 32:1-11
I found the verses of this Psalm change person and carry a great message.
verses 1-2 "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven...and in who's spirit is no deceit"
verses 3-4 I tried to hide my sin and I wasted away
verse 5 I acknowledged my sin to you and you forgave my guilt.
verses 6-7 You are now my hiding place and I am surrounded by song
verse 8 God speaks: "I will counsel you and watch over you"
verses 9-10 Consequences will guide the man without discression and they will not find God.
verse 11 Rejoice in the Lord you righteous, sing all you who are upright in heart. (Joy)
Martin Luther said: "The Devil will not stay where music is."
Response to Proverbs 8:27-32
I quoted this passage with Proverbs 8:22-26 yesterday. If you have a chance, read Proverbs 8:22-32 and then follow that up with Hebrews 12:2-Hebrews 13:8.
I cannot help but see "Wisdom" in this passage being the Word of God who was made flesh in John 1:1. The picture of joy and dancing and the youth of God admiring the handiwork of man is exhiliarating against the backdrop of a world that imagines him as a wrathful judge. Ooh, I hate to even mention that.
"rejoicing always in His presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind." Holy Holy Holy!
Dream Joyful dreams;
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