Monday, January 7, 2013

Apocalypse of Zion
Blog January 7, 2013

My focus on the Bible blog in 2013 will be on the wheels or cycles - the Apocalypses revealed throughout scripture. Both Genesis (Bare Sit) and The Little Genesis (The book of Jubilees/The Apocalypse of Moses) are split into 50 chapters marking a Jubilee. (7x7 +1). These are groupings of 7 weeks - revealing the cyclical nature of Hebrew writings. I will attempt to include bits of Jubilees, Jasher, and the books of Enoch with the Bible Blog. Obviously, our first cycle is the week of creation revealed in Genesis 1 and Jubilees 2. But what of Jubilees 1?

Jubilees 1 begins with Moses going up Mt. Sinai to receive the books of the law. He ascended the Mountain into the cloud which overshadowed it. For 40 days and nights, God spoke to Moses about the divisions of "earlier and later" history; the "division of all the days of the law and the testimony." (Jubilees 1:4).

From the two accountings of Creation presented by Moses in Genesis 1 and 2, I would like to focus on the four rivers which run out of Eden, for here we are given a second wheel or compass. Psychologically, we have as much to learn from these compasses as we chart Spiritual history - as geographically we find our bearings in North, South, East, and West.

***In summary, these four rivers reflect The primary worship sign, the guidance which comes with it, the people who follow it, and the resulting division of men.

Genesis 2:10-11; "A river issues from Eden to water the garden , and it then divides and becomes four branches. The name of the first is Pishon, the one that winds through the whole land of Havilah, where the gold is. (The gold of that land is good; bdellium is there, and lapis lazuli.)

The name of the second river is Gihon, the one that winds through the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris, the one that flows east of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates."

Pishon [PhISIN = Language of Ideological Sin (Signs of the Snake (primary word/name)]

Havilah [reflects Jehovah/Havah (Eve) This follows in context as Man seeks help from the Lord, and calls upon his faith - his partner in life. The word actually sounds like "Holy" or Whalah! (HWoILJ) Worship possessing the Ideological Logos of Spirituality]

Gold [ZJB = Zayin's (Weapon's) Spiritual house] Note; Both the Bible and the book of Jubilees are claimed to be expressing the fact Israel or Christianity reflect the chosen faith of God. Both cultures in this age of Zionism reflect the Perditious nature of the Children of Jacob as they are hell-bent on destroying evil people from the land of the living. To their credit, a whole lot of money flows into Zionism - to the detriment of the entire world economy.

The second river is Gihon [GIHWoN = Guide's Ideological worship possessing the Serpent staff (The serpent staff is reflected in the Book of Jasher as a "Sapphire Rod") This reflects the primary word/name of worship - it reflects the staff which swallows up every other serpent religious belief. It assumes the throne of God. In Jasher, Moses took this rod from his Midianite Father in Law's Garden before returning to Egypt to perform his signs.]

Some translations claim this second river fills the whole land of Ethiopia while others mention Cush. The book of Jasher answers this question nicely as Noah's Son Ham stole the garment with which God had clothed Adam and Eve from Noah's belongings and gave it to his son Cush. Ethiopia enters the story as Moses flees Egypt at the age of 18 and goes on to rule Ethiopia for 40 years before spending 12 years with the Midianites, where he obtains the Sapphire Rod.

The name of the third river is Tigris [Hiddekel which follows the Serpent (the congregation of the word/name (HDQL) Worship Direction of the Generation's Logic/Logos] This river reflects the waters of Zechariah which flow to the east of the Temple. This reflects the "son" sent East from Eden, reflecting first of all, Cain's removal from His Father's House, following the murder of Abel. This reflects the idolatry of the religious house, chasing after ideals or idols - or ways; "Asshur - riding the ass". Some theologians still are caught up in Geography rather than Spirituality. Rather than seeing Jacob's son Asher or the country of Assyria, one must reflect on the consistent Biblical reference to the Ashera and the Asherah pole, revealed again in Christ's Cross. [ASWoR = Alpha Sign possessing Religion/Reason].

The name of the fourth river is the Euphrates, perhaps the most remembered of the four rivers; [Farrot or Phart - reflecting the Parting of ways, the consistent theme of the Bible. This brings us back to "divisions" and the end of Part 1 of this year's Bible blogging This brings us to the first two letters of the ancient Rhunes; Fehu and Eretz (auros). (PhRT) Language of religious distinction. Language here reflecting the Phonetics or Philosophy - reflected in the "70 languages of the world" which are reflected in both 3 Enoch 3 and the Book of Jasher]

Genesis 3-4 sets the stage for the sons of men. Here are the characters:
1. We meet the Serpent staff in person, that slithering beast which later will be set upon the tree so that all men might look upon it as humanity looks upon an only son wounded for our transgressions, and through such humbling of our spirits, we might be saved.

2. Cain [QIN = Generations of the ideological name] The Spirit marks this child, claiming that any who would shed the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed. "seven times over" so claims the text of Genesis 4:15.

3. Abel [two words closely associated with Father God AB and EL in English Translations. (ABL) The Alpha House Logos - the blood spilt upon holy ground which demands vengeance - again reflected in Hebrews 12, the seeming spirit of all religion which bears witness (blood of the martyrs) against their neighbors]

4. Seth [From the Tanakh title for Genesis (Bare Sit), one must assume this character is of great importance! Indeed, Seth becomes the honored son of the sacred line. The [ST] Sign of distinction; the third son, perhaps the third day - as hope begins again]. Of course, Jesus prophesies, a wicked generation seeks a sign; But I would confess that this "wickedness" only reflects the desire within men to worship such a sign within  a son of man.

5. Enosh [First son of Seth - the first of the Sethians. [ANWoS = Alpha Name possessing the sign] The name means Son of Man - but Genesis 5:4 states; "It was then that men began to invoke the Lord by NAME".

Now, there is always controversy as to the sons of Seth and the sons of Cain. Enoch was the first son of Cain, whereas, Enoch was the 7th generation from Adam through the sacred line. We always tend to dismiss the history of the "other people", and thus the Biblical Idolaters tend to dismiss the Palestinians of today - and the Syrians as "lesser Sanctity" - or in the worst cases; actually demon possessed! Thus, the annihilation of other people groups seems justified by faith, as the faithful assume reconciliation by peaceful means is "incomprehensible".  However, I feel there is good reason the same names are found in Cain's line as are found in Seth's. There is good reason the same stories and themes permeate all religious culture. There remains the "voice of reason" which fills all the earth, while generally focused on a primary cult to teach us all lessons. Such is the Apocalypse of Zion!

Matthew 1:1-3:6.
I am playing catch up today and reviewing the readings from January 1-2. Today's passage covers the genealogy of Jesus up until the scene where John is performing baptisms in the Jordan in preparation of Jesus' baptismal ministry.

It is interesting that although the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Tanakh is "Bare Sit", Matthew begins with the "Biblical Genesis of Jesus".  The Greek reads; "KATA MAThThAIWoN; BIBLWoS GJNJSJO'S"

Sja-code reflects; "The idolatrous distinctive Alphas within the divisions of theological alphas; ideologies possessing the serpent staff (N=primary word/name).

Biblos Genesis; [Biblos: Ideological house/waters - logos possessing sign/shame,
GJNJSJO'S = Guides of the serpent staff's signs of spirituality; the warrior's shame]

Matthew 1:2-17 then speaks of 3 generations of 14 sons within that "sacred line" covering Abram through Christ. 14 from Abram to David (division of the kingdom into North and South); 14 from David to the Diaspora (Diaspora reflects the Babylonian dispersion of Jews out of Palestine - a word heavily reflected upon within Lenni Brenner's documentation of present day Zionism in his book "51 Documents; Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis", and 14 generations covering the Hasmonean empire reflected within the return of Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Maccabees (Hanukkah) of the Catholic Bible's Apocrypha. That Hasmonean empire reflects the 2nd Temple Period climaxing in this story of Jesus and Herod.

Joseph (*reflecting that Sapphire Rod Moses found in the Midianite Garden - etymologically; "YHWH adds") and Mary (*reflecting the bitter waters of Meribah - divorced wife of Ishmael - (*see book of Jasher for Meribah's divorce and the Sapphire Rod) give birth in Bethlehem...

I Samuel 17:15 (NIV1984); " but David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father’s sheep at Bethlehem."

Joseph and Mary give birth to Jesus [IHSOYN - Ideological worship sign possessing the desired name] - the ideological sign of Salvation - the Hope of the nations!

Matthew 1:23; "Behold the [H-worship] virgin [Partheno's the parting, the Parthenon - the quartering; (QARThJNOS) Generation of alpha religious theological spiritual name possessing the sign] will be pregnant (gastri) and she will bear a son [John (YIWoN) Desired ideology possessing word/name]

They will call the name of him Immanuel [human oil (JMMANOYHL) Spiritual division of man's alpha names possessing the desired worship logos] which having been interpreted means [Meet human theology (MJTh HMO'NWo ThJWoS) Man's spiritual theology - Worship within the minds of warrior's word/name possessing - Theological Spirit possessing the sign (of shame)]. English interprets this; "With us God". It would appear humanity is set up for idolatry - divisioin, and the onslaught of the Apocalypse of Zion - reflecting the zealous religious warriors seeking righteousness in religious laws and named ideologies.

The Kings follow the star in the east - another omen set before our eyes since before words could be written - as the story is told by the ancient star gazers and astrologers. One might find it interesting that although Matthew Mark and Luke follow the same pattern of Jesus life, the stories of the birth vary dramatically! Matthew is the only one who brings up this ancient astrology; Three stars in Orion's belt facing the star in the east. The story is also told of Osiris, Horus, and Abraham...
Matthew 2:18; The voice heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning;

Again, it is imperative that one witness here that this massacre comes through the 2nd Temple Period of the Hasmoneans. I find it amazing in today's age of Zionism that the 10 tribes are again stealing the stage in Palestine! This is the old story of the 10 brothers selling Joseph to Egypt! Rachel weeping for her children. The book of Jasher will recount how the travelers allow Joseph to weep at his Mother's grave - and Rachel speaks from the grave offering him reassurance. This is the day of atonement - the day of massacre - the day the sons of Leah and the concubines tell Jacob the lie using the blood of the goat! This is the Jerusalem stage of destroying the prophets down through the ages. This is not the lion laying down with the lamb, this is the pass-over. And a world turns a blind eye as Joseph again enters Egypt.

Given the dogmatic days of vengeance as Israel calls all attention to themselves, a voice of one crying in the wilderness - "Make straight the ways of the Lord" comes from a man named John - revealer of the Christ - savior of a world in turmoil.